Friday, June 20, 2014

Wort Wort Wort

Getting some updates done.
All new publication list is online.
Updated my conference presentations.
Will fill in the details soon!

New projekt - funded by the Austrian national bank - started in March 2014. Officially my part will start in coming october. It will be funny to see this come together!  (And yes I'm already working on it)

Some other things:

The project on foreign corrspendents led to a publication in this nice upcoming book: 

Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe (Wow is november far off! Finished our part last December)

And also at the end of the year we should see a chapter titled "Bausteine des journalistischen Selbstbilds. Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von Habitus, Praxis und Feldstrukturen im österreichischen Journalismus.“ by Susanne Kirchhoff and myself in the following book: Wimmer, Jeffrey / Riesmeyer, Claudia /Maier, Tanja / Hartmann, Maren (Hrsg.) (2014): Medien-Arbeit im Wandel. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

In July I'll be at Tampere for the ACS Crossroads and Yokohama für the ISA worldcongress :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool...but wait until my: The Goschpoidlification of Austrian society aka "Them 2"...;-)
