Conferences and Papers

Complete List of Conference Papers and Presentations as PDF:

Publications (Peer-reviewed only, as of June 2014)


Recent Conference Papers and Presentations:


Japan/Yokohama - XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology - Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology

My paper: Building a national idea of an international future – How national press tries to project futures after international events.                                                    

Finnland/Tampere - Crossroads in Cultural Studies

My paper:  Creating enduring meaning in the 21st century? What journalists write about crisis and change and what is remembered in the public sphere?                    

Greece/Thessaloniki -  Journalism in Transition: Crisis or Opportunity?

Our Paper: Dealing with transformation: How journalists get caught between role perceptions and role demands.
With Roman Hummel and Susanne Kirchhoff

UK/Oxford - Local Journalism Around the World

Our Paper: “I would cover this scandal, if only I had the time” – How journalists negotiate role models and the demands of their jobs in local media.
With Roman Hummel and Susanne Kirchhoff

Germany/Munich - Medien, Ethik und Geschlecht – Zur Frage nach Gerechtigkeit und Vielfalt in der Medienwelt

My paper: Ethik und Moral in der Interaktion zwischen Lokalpolitkern und Privatradiojournalistinnen. 




Austria/Klagenfurt - KWT 2013 Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Tage Changing Communications II: Herausforderungen des gesellschaftlichen, medialen und kulturellen Wandels.

Our Paper: Medienwandel und journalistisches Selbstverständnis

With Roman Hummel and Susanne Kirchhoff

Austria/Linz - ÖGS Jahrestagung - Krisen in der Gesellschaft – Gesellschaft in der Krise. Herausforderungen für die Soziologie

My Paper: „Na eigentlich ist alles eine Krise!“  - Zur medialen Konstruktion von Krisen, Katastrophen und anderen kleinen Problemen

Belgium/Mechlen - World Journalism Education Congress:

Our Paper: Which Education?
Our Presentation: For which Journalism?
Conference HP:
With Roman Hummel and Susanne Kirchhoff


Germany/Lüneburg - Medien Arbeit:

Conference HP: Medien-Arbeit
With Susanne Kirchhoff

U.K./Oxford - Journalism Ethics:

Conference HP: Journalism Ethics
With Roman Hummel and Susanne Kirchhoff

France/Paris - Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2012:

Conference HP: Crossroads 2012 
Original abstract can be found in: Crossroads in Cultural Studies – Book of Abstracts (2012), p. 333
(proceedings/paper available on demand)

Chilé - Identity, changes and challenges of the profession in the 21st Century

Our presentation: Periodismo chile 2012 
(proceedings/paper available on demand)
Conference HP: official Periodismo chile 2012 
With Martina Lettner

U.K./Loughborough - Discourse, Communication, Conversation

Conference HP: official DCC Homepage
(proceedings/paper available on demand)

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